Winter Weather Update from Best Trash

With the latest snow forecast for Tuesday, Best Trash will be closed for regular operations tomorrow.

Please see the revised schedule below for the tentative schedule for the rest of the week.

  • Monday: We will run a regular service day.
  • Tuesday: Closed.
  • Wednesday: Delayed start.
  • Thursday: Delayed start.

Note: If the landfills close due to inclement weather, we cannot run our routes on those day(s).

The guidelines are subject to change depending on the actual weather conditions.

If we are unable to run our routes on your scheduled service day, your pick-up will be on the next scheduled service day.

If plants die due to the weather, they will be considered storm debris and handled accordingly.

Best wishes, and be safe.

Winter Weather Advisory

Due to the expected winter weather this coming week, your trash service may experience some delays or cancellations due to road conditions and landfill availability. Please check for updates.

District Notifications via Text Message Now Available

If you’d like to sign up to receive important news and updates from the district via text messages, you can send a text message to (713) 564-6866 with the word SCFPUD and you’ll be registered.

Welcome to SCFPUD’s Website

This site has been created with you in mind – our residents! Spring Creek Forest is a wonderful place to live and has been for many families for more than 30 years now. The board members for Spring Creek Forest Public Utility District live in the neighborhood as well and seek to provide the highest quality water, sewer, and garbage collection we possibly can. We hope you find this site full of useful information related to your public utility district.

Through Spring Creek Forest PUD’s website you can easily find links to the following services: